Machine Learning Workshop for Junior Nanotech Network (JNN)

Period: May 28 - June 14, 2019
Location: UC Santa Barbara

Related documents on Drive

I was an instructor for two weeks period to help the students from A Self-Organized PhD Students Exchange Program by Junior Nanotech Network by teaching them machine learning methods and how to apply these methods to their projects.

I mainly talked “Introduction to Machine Learning” and we showed them practical examples from supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods. We used Python for the programming examples.

I collaborated with Zexi Huang and Rachel Redberg to teach related topics. They talked about “Supervised Learning” and “Unsupervised Learning” settings.

CS Essentials - Enhancement Workshops for Computer Science

Period: January - June 2018
Location: Sabanci University

Repository for the workshop

I was a co-designer and an instructor for 6 months to enhance the knowledge of students in Computer Science related topics. We tried to improve the quality of Computer Science in Sabanci University.

I collaborated with Muhammed Mucahid Benlioglu for preparing the materials and teaching those materials to the students.

The series of workshops include Linux commands, Git version control, graph databases. We did the workshops hands-on to give the students better experience. We gave the students some practical problem and let them to solve before we had discussed in detail. We believed that this approach could be more useful rather than only solving them.